We built a website that captures CMW's brand and brings their products and technology to life. By educating users about dry ice basting, its applications and informed users of their products & services.
Frustrated by their slow and clunky site running on Wordpress, CMW wanted to craft a new Image of their brand. Increase awareness of them and their Products and services. As well as educate users about dry ice and dry ice blasting.
To create a website that is a clean, strong and futuristic. One that takes the user on a journey, introducing and educating them about the brand, its services and technology
01 Custom CMS
Developed a custom CMS that is both easy to use & fast
03 Brand Guidlines
A focus on sharp corners, clean lines & heaps of spacing thorughout help establish consistency, readability and breathability.
With a large site with tons of content, page load times are usually a concern. CMW has a sub 1s page load
WhatsApp vs Chatbot
1. CMW stand apart from the competition thanks to its products and customer experience, and hence forwarding all communication directly to a representative helps them better tailor a solution for them.
2. WhatsApp is the largest Messaging Platform in India and users trust it.
Ability to switch between dark and light modes making the pages less jarring and readable.